introducing the
ONLY actual program for P3 of the hCG Diet
You will notice as you read along, I am sprinkling the page with real testimonials for how this program is working for ladies just like you for P3 of the hCG Diet. Because you want to know this isn’t all just a bunch of unreliable gibberish, am I right?
90 second interview excerpt: Heather went from Keto to P3tolife for Phase 3 after the hCG Diet Protocol.
2 min: Jess maintaining for 5 months after hCG (p3 and far beyond!) with P3tolife:
We tend to have a love/hate relationship with Phase 3.
LOVE: the idea of FINALLY putting olive oil back on our salad – I mean sheesh –dressing w/o oil should seriously be a crime.
HATE: So many unknowns & guesswork in P3. It’s ALMOST enough to make you wish you could retreat to the safety & structure of P2. Almost.
Literally. NOT just a “eat x grams protein and x grams carbs each day” program but instead:
- an exact meal plan – amounts of food, servings, etc already laid out for you
- recipes – that fit with the meal plan
- grocery lists
- coaching videos to guide you through the mental aspect,
- weight correction advice
- shopping and cooking video tutorials.
Yes, an entire structured program that removes all the guesswork and decision making for you.

Would that be helpful to you?
Would that stop the freakout?
Have you freaked
over at least 1 of these Q’s
while in HCG P3?
- Is this low carb enough?
- Is this too high carb?
- How much protein should I have?
- WHEN do I add cheese & nuts back in? and how much?
- Oh-my-google, this sauce has 1g of sugar & I ate it, did I just ruin everything? Do I have to start over?
- I’m eating low carb and I’m gaining, NOW what do I do?
- Is this low carb enough?
- Is this too high carb?
- How much protein should I have?
- WHEN do I add cheese & nuts back in? and how much?
- Oh-my-google, this sauce has 1g of sugar & I ate it, did I just ruin everything? Do I have to start over?
- I’m eating low carb and I’m gaining, NOW what do I do?
You have known what to eat to stabilize – which for you has been:
chicken breast, cold salads, and broccoli. #notthegoodlife
But frankly, you aren’t really content with those foods – especially when contemplating eating this way forever in order to prevent weight gain. How can you eat the rest of your life that will be satisfying without weight gain?? That is the question.
There is another way. Really really.
I know you wouldn’t believe me that this is possible, because I wouldn’t have believed me either – that’s why I hope all the video testimonials from real women who’ve done the program will show you this is for real.
Arleen’s results from following the P3toLife Program for Phase 3 of hCG – in 1 minute:
We see lots of
before-and-immediately-after weight loss photos from the hCG Diet
But how often do we see
weight MAINTENANCE photos?
I think it’s safe to say for SURESIES, you WANT to stabilize and maintain your hCG weight loss – between rounds and long term.

Is it encouraging to you when you see
a gal who managed to live the
last 8 years without being on a diet?
If that gal had always been thin, yeah probably not. Because she’s obviouslynot had the struggle we’ve had. But,
what if that someone was once 50 lbs overweight and a previous binge sugar eater- to the tune of a 1/2 gallon of ice-cream in a day?


I’m Rayzel. A mommy blogger (which makes my credentials Rayzel Lam, Mb 😉 ) who loves finding creative solutions to my problems. And one of those problems was HOW do I learn to maintain my hCG weight loss when I eat a lot?? And when I don’t want to eat chicken breast and cold salad the rest of my life??
I found the hCG protocol. Which was awesome. It’s how I lost 50 lbs. Each time I did a round of hCG, as I pondered what was next, I found myself having

You too?
The nearer Phase 3 came, the more I was freaking out.
I know I ain’t the only one who does that- I get emails like this all the time:

I’m not making this stuff up –
flashback to my own hCG Journey:
So trouble on P3 is a real thing.
We Work SO hard to lose that weight on hCG.
If naturally thin people only KNEW how hard it has been for us. For some of us, the hCG diet has been this miracle when we tried EVERY other diet, and for the first time in years, found a protocol that was ACTUALLY working for more than like 5 lbs.
Naturally we don’t want to gain it back. But so many do.

I have been around the block now in the hCG community through my blog and private email with thousands of hCGers in the past 6 years and I came to realize…
That is what I spent 2 years creating. P3toLife has been helping thousands for over 3 years now.
Man, wouldn’t that be awesome. Sadly, that doesn’t exist. I can’t promise you will 110% for sure stabilize and maintain following the plan. Our bodies are all so different, hormonal balance, lifestyle, age, so many factors effect us. But this program will position you much more strategically for stabilization than without it.
let me show you why this program is SEVERAL STEPS ABOVE the only “program” we hCGers have had access until now – you know the one- the “fly by the seat of my pinterest pants” program.

If you want to hear it from my mouth:
My weight maintenance photos the past few years:
the entire program is on a membership site (for a ONE TIME price) that has all the videos, audio, and PDF documents downloads for the program.
Why the recipes are more special than just any ol’ low carb recipe you might find online:
The recipes themselves were created JUST for this program, they can’t be found anywhere else.
They are unique in the way that I designed the balance of protein, fat and carbs to give you the most VOLUME and FLAVOR to your meals as possible while being a calorie amount that fits for maintenance for most women long term. Many low carb recipes are actually fairly high calorie and can cause problems with weight.
Alexandra’s thoughts about PORTION SIZES on the P3toLife program:
You will NOT be eating these recipes just for 7 weeks folks.
Nikki’s thoughts on eating P3tolife style long term:
FAV Recipes of P3toLife Members:
Another P3toLife member emailed me recently:
“Today, I completed my first week on P3to life. The food is delicious. It really makes me feel satisfied and not at all deprived.
This seems so doable. By the way, many of these recipes will DEFINITELY be staples for me for the rest of my life. The food is amazing. I no longer feel have to eat cold salads to lose or maintain weight. That gets old quick. Seriously, I had no idea how to prepare such healthful and delicious meals on my own.”

Arleen’s feelings about the food in the P3tolife program:
Traci’s thoughts about the food in the P3tolife program:


The meal plan is a 7 week tell-me-exactly-what-to-cook-and-eat layout, with 2 versions- a full color layout for device viewing and printable PDFS, that contains the meal plan calendar, an exact grocery list for each week’s meals, and of course….the recipes!

The meal plan – both the layout and recipes have been reviewed and endorsed by 8 Doctors, a Doctor of Behavioral Health, and 8 Nutrition Professionals from dietitians to nutritionists. You can check out their approvals in the FAQs below.
Nutritionally speaking, the calories are raised gradually each week. The plan is nut and dairy free (except butter) until week 3, where we start gradually easing them in. It’s higher protein, moderate fat, and low carb. Get all the super-duper exact details of the meal plan (how many calories each week, etc) in the FAQ’s below.
Why Raise Your Calories Gradually In Phase 3?

And this isn’t just good in theory either! Because I’m not just about how things scientifically SHOULD be. We all know that’s just now things go sometimes. I can honestly tell you,
whenever I’m contacted by an hCGer who has stabilized well, I inevitably find out they gradually increased their calories.
When you follow the meal plan, you will AUTOMATICALLY be doing everything listed here without counting calories or figuring anything out yourself.
Meals are designed to have both VOLUME and TASTE, while avoiding recipes and foods that would likely trigger cravings or the urge to overeat.

It’s super easy to add calories as needed. Promise.
What Lynda thinks of the PORTION SIZES of the P3 meals!
Andrea: her surprise of eating plenty + not gaining weight from that!
You’ll see that there are to fit any person’s schedule & personality (you get them all with the program).
Maybe you want a pinky-hold for phase 3, rather than an exact roadmap. I get it! In that case, you’ll see all the P3 recipes are laid out cookbook style as well! This gives you that flexibility where YOU choose what recipes you make and when, while still having recipes that you’ll know for sure fit within best P3 guidelines.

Or what I’d like to call, the “You Can’t Ignore Your Brain the Smartest Part of You” section.
It’s all well and good to talk about what to eat and how much, but that alone is NOT what’s going to get you to long term maintenance, or even stabilization honestly. Our minds are the smartest part of us. hehe, get it? These conversations are all about specific strategies I have used in my own almost 5 year maintenance, as well as things that I had to change about what I thought, in order to make good choices and to FEEL good about them. These are the things that without them, I would not be where I am today. I would not have maintained my weight loss and I’d still be yo-yoing up and down like I did many years ago.

Just how important are “coaching videos” anyway? Is that just fluff-fluff?
P3tolifer Christine wrote this email to me:
“This wasn’t my first rodeo. I’d done the HCG protocol about five years ago and had been successful. At the time. And THEN GAINED ALL THE WEIGHT BACK AND MORE. I swore this time would be different and I knew where the weak spot was. Phase 3. IT’S THE COACHING VIDEOS THAT HAVE MADE THE DIFFERENCE FOR ME. I am now 5 weeks post P2, feel great and have actually lost a bit more weight. I feel IN CONTROL. RAYZEL HAS MADE ME THINK ABOUT FOOD DIFFERENTLY THAN I DID BEFORE AND HAS HELPED ME IDENTIFY PRIOR PITFALLS IN ORDER TO AVOID THEM. You know that super hopeful feeling you get when you start a new weight loss plan? This is the first time I’ve ever had that feeling weeks after finishing and it’s because of P3tolife. I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS BECAUSE YOU SPEAK CANDIDLY AND DON’T USE STUPID CLICHÈS. My favorite coaching sessions are the Triggers & Learning to Identify Lies. For me, those are really powerful.” – Christine
A whole video series of conversations on how to do fasting in a good way so that you get good results from it without it backfiring. Because it can totally backfire. There’s a way our body seems to respond best to it from my experience, and I share all that with you here.

These tutorials help you learn what to look out for and what doesn’t matter so much when shopping for ingredients and making choices about what to buy with food and tools. We don’t have to sweat EVERYTHING. So let’s learn what matters to make sensible and realistic decisions.

These help show some of the basic simple ways to do healthy cooking long term that will become 2nd nature as you do them. Once you know the basics, you can make healthy food you actually LIKE so that you’re not nearly as tempted to go back to previous ways of eating.

A tools & ingredients resource guide, with all the links to useful tools for the kitchen for healthy cooking as well as links to the alternative ingredients you will likely be using in the future. A protein powders guide with all the best brands from grass fed and organic sources only, where stevia or erythritol is the only sweetener.

Whewwww! That was a page-ful of info ya?
All the PDF documents – the meal plan PDF’s and the cookbook style PDF’s come in 2 versions:
1. FULL COLOR – best for device and computer viewing, and will really get you excited to make these recipes seeing the meals in full color!
2. BLACK & WHITE PRINTABLE – a lot of us like to print stuff, so you can do that too without spending $500 on ink. ;0

Here’s the main goods of the program:
- 9 week EXACT meal plan layout PDF’s
- Grocery list for each week
- Cookbook style layout PDF’s for more flexible recipe choosing
- 3 Entertaining Menus that include things like low carb, sugar free Chocolate cake with frosting, and grain free stuffing, for entertaining your friends and fam with food they will all love that’s okay for you too.
- 113 recipes in total
- Instructions for transitioning P3 recipes to P4.
- 15 Coaching Videos
- 15 Weight Corrections w/ Fasting Videos
- 7 Shopping Video Tutorials
- 17 Cooking Video Tutorials
- Tools & Ingredients Resource Guide
- Protein Powders Guide (all organic and grass fed sources)
- Full Color Version AND Black & White Printable Version of ALL PDF’s
- Bonus: 4 Video Exercise Interviews (w/text & audio)
- FREE Bonus: 9 Weightlifting Demo Videos (yes, I’m aware you may totally not care about this- I’m just throwing it in there free, remember it’s not costing you anything!)
Questions? [email protected]
Disclaimer: The P3tolife program may not be suitable for individuals with kidney disease or dysfunction and those with complications from diabetes due to its higher protein content. In such cases, consult with your qualified healthcare provider about the P3toLife program to determine whether it can safely be done with modifications or not.
How is this different from making low carb recipes I find on Pinterest?
First of all let me say this, that is TOTALLY an option (of course it is, that’s what we’ve been doing so far right?) and it’s free to do that. Never feel like you are doomed without this program.
But one trouble I personally ran into is that even though I was eating low carb after the diet ended, I was still overeating. I thought If it was low carb that’s all that mattered. And I have a pretty strong fear of being hungry or not being allowed to eat
There are right now 2 typical approaches to phase 3.
1. Continue to eat Phase 2 but just more of everything.
2. Find low carb recipes on Pinterest. Make and eat these.
Both of these CAN work. But they are often not ideal for most, and this is why:
Positives: Two 100 gram portions of chicken breast have a total of 46 grams of protein. So with this as the example, doubling this would put you at 92 grams of protein for the day- which is a good amount, so that can totally work.
Problems: you are already quite sick of the foods, and because the variety is so limited, you are likely missing out on a lot of good nutrients from other foods. Additionally, adding more P2 fruits can cause the carb intake for a day on p3 to be too high. Doing this also wouldn’t include any healthy fats, something that most of us should be adding back in during phase 3. Main point really though is the vast majority of us would have a pretty hard time sticking to just these foods for 3 more weeks after already being stuck with them for 3-6 prior.
Positives: It’s free!
Problems: Low carb recipes can often be very calorie dense recipes. This can be a problem if you aren’t gradually raising your calories when you first come off the 500 calorie diet. Also, most low carb recipes are created by people with the one purpose of them simply being low carb, but there is no thought given to the getting the proper amount of protein, fat, and carbs to give you a balance day of eating. It’s very easy to under eat protein. You would have to do quite a bit of legwork to create a plan where you could gradually increase your calories each week.
The Phase 3 to Life hCG Maintenance Program is designed specifically so that you will be following the BEST route to stablization and maintenance of your hCG weight loss,while having almost all the legwork done FOR you already.
Speaking of which….how do correction days/steak days go on the P3tolife program?
LET THESE LADIES SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCE (spoiler alert…they didn’t need any stinkin’ steak days!)
i totally get it, i’m a need details person too.
Planning a bit ahead is of course, ideal. If you can get this program 1-2 weeks before P3, awesome. But maybe you’re more of the “planning-schmanning” mentality at the moment because you’re already……
It’s pretty much as simple as:1. Get the program2. Print/download Week 1 grocery list3. Go shopping.There are a couple specialty ingredients I try to include each week that are ideal to find on Amazon, but they are not required and can be subbed out or skipped.
Danielle Was Starting P3 THAT DAY:
We all must factor cost into the decisions we make. Is the cost worth the benefit? In this case, to help you decide if the Phase 3 program is worth the cost to you, consider this:
- TIME SAVINGS. Is this worth all the legwork that has been done for you, or would you rather do the legwork yourself?
- MENTAL & EMOTIONAL ENERGY SAVINGS. Does having a specific meal plan and specific recipes that you KNOW are Phase 3 approved, put your mind at ease?
- Will it save you from being a victim of DECISION FATIGUE? Wh-what? It’s a thing! They’ve done studies on this, for real. Basically the more decisions you have to make, the more mentally depleted you become, which causes you to make poorer and poorer choices. See it hasn’t been your fault all along. You just had too many choices to make, without even knowing what was the right way. #thatsbeenme #manyatime With this program, you will have far fewer decisions to make regarding what to do and eat and even how to think in Phase 3.
- Do you want something that can be either strict or flexible, depending on where you are currently at in life? With the Phase 3 recipes laid out in a specific meal plan AND cookbook style, Phase 3 eating can be as specific or flexible as you like, while still remaining within best P3 practices.
- It’s EXACT. I can’t really underscore enough how valuable it is having an exact plan to follow that almost guarantees your success after all your hard efforts at weight loss. I can’t guarantee anything you guys, not legal, but what I can tell you if that I’m getting emails every week from P3tolifers with the SAME. STORY. “Rayzel! For the first time ever, I stabilized and never had to do a steak day!”
Justina’s Experience as a P3toLifer:
Andrea’s take on whether the P3 program is worth it or not:
(She said she’d pay for it every P3 if she had too! Wow! But I wouldn’t make you guys do that).
ZERO RISK. Money Back Guarantee.
This is about giving you tools and strategies to help you as you navigate your weight journey. If you feel like the program isn’t doing this, I’m not here to hold your money hostage. You can just email me for a full refund. I mean that you guys. There is no time limit on this. People who this program is right for, it’s super right for. If it’s not the right thing for you, no worries- just email me.

what professional peeps have to say
Since I have a hunch my own qualifications,
Rayzel Lam, Mb, Mommy blogger, don’t really count.
1st up, a Doctor’s approval of following P3toLife after concluding P2 on the hCG Diet:
2nd up, a Nutritionist who actually followed my Phase 3 program after a round of hCG:
3rd up is a Naturopathic Doctor
As tough as dieting can be, finding a sensible diet program that will teach you how to eat properly and give you lasting results can be even harder! P3tolife’s programs are exactly what someone coming off of an hCG diet needs in order to ensure long-term success.
With delicious meal plans and recipes coupled with guidance such as shopping lists and coaching videos, they have put together a program that will ensure your success if you follow it. The worst thing someone coming off of any diet can experience is the slow creep back up the scale and the dread of a lifetime of calorie restrictions and starvation in order to stay thin. P3tolife’s nutrition plan is right on point as a modern, sensible, and effective way to approach real nutrition and teach you how to eat delicious and healthy foods to keep that scale where it belongs!
Dr. Brandon Lee
D.O.M., Certified Weight Management Specialist
The P3tolife hCG maintenance program is a regimen for ladies seeking to maintain their weight. This diet involves provision of calorie-controlled, low-carb, high-protein, all-natural gourmet meals.
The calorically restricted eating protocol in this diet helps in gradually increasing calorie intake while still maintaining your ideal weight. If you are busy and you would like to maintain your weight, the P3tolife program is for you!
Dr. Tracy Sherman
After the hCG protocol, it is vital to have a properly mapped out diet plan to steadily bring your metabolism back to optimal speed. This needs to be done correctly in order to sustain the weight lost, and without shocking the body which would ultimately lead to unwanted fat storage.
Rayzel’s Phase 3 Program does exactly that! It is laid out in a unique way, beyond the original P3 guideline of simply avoiding starch and sugar, by telling you exactly what to eat. It strategically sets appropriate caloric ranges, while including correct macro and micro-nutrient amounts for each day. As a registered dietitian, I can tell you that the layout of Rayzel’s P3 program is a wise approach to stabilizing weight loss after the hCG protocol.
Brianna Shahin, Registered Dietitian, MScOwner, The Food Pharm
A smooth transition from weight loss to maintenance is absolutely crucial for long term results. Rayzel’s P3 meal plan does just that; provides safe and effective guidelines for the transition from a low calorie HCG diet to a more sustainable plan for stabilization.
Her plan is particularly advanced in the area of recipes. As a Registered Dietitian, I believe that Rayzel’s P3 plan is both safe and effective at transitioning HCG clients from HCG diets to stabilization. I would not hesitate to suggest it to my clients.
Melissa Ketter, Registered Dietitian
As a registered and licensed dietitian, I support Rayzel’s program. Each meal provides clients with the RDIs and macronutrients sufficient in stabilizing one’s weight. Rayzel has beautifully crafted your next meal plan.
I appreciate that Rayzel took a personal experience and designed a plan that will help others succeed as she has. The plan balances macronutrients and calories to allow for your metabolism to adjust. Each week, the calorie goals accumulate gradually. The fat and carbohydrate ratios are increased slowly to reduce intolerance like stomach upset. I personally loved the smoothies for an afternoon pick up.
Maegan White, MA, RDNThe Wanderlust Dietitian