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    Knife Segment

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    My FAVORITE knife in the whole world is not a high end expensive knife. I always though before that you have to buy the expensive ones to get a really good one. But this one I came across when I took a Thai Cooking Class years ago. These are called Kiwi Knife / Thai Knife and it's only $7.

    It's really thin, really sharp and lightweight! It's very easy to sharpen when it gets dull.

    You can get these on Amazon here:

    Thai Knife

    1. mlebese says:

      Thanks Rayzel
      Please share the length of the knife you are using.

      BTW, Video still cuts off.

      1. Rayzel says:

        The blade is about 7 inches

    2. DonnaFarrell says:

      This video cuts off at about ten seconds.

      1. Rayzel says:

        oops sorry! the correct video is there now. :)-


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