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    1. How much coconut flakes and walnuts are in the German Chocolate Cake Dessert smoothie?

      1. Rayzel says:

        Hey Vickie!
        It’s 7g or about 1.5 tbsp of the coconut flakes, and 14g or about 8 whole pecans is what it amounts to. I hope that helps! I LOVE this particular smoothie.

    2. I was able to get a sneak peak at the chocolate zucchini muffin recipe and have been making them weekly for a snack. I doubled the batch and took them to a party so I wouldn’t be tempted with the other desserts. I will sometimes put all the ingredients in except the zucchini and keep the batter in the fridge. When I’m wanting a snack, I will portion out 1/3 cup, add the shredded zucchini and microwave as a quick mug cake treat.

      1. Rayzel says:

        SMART idea Vickie! Thanks for sharing that – I love the idea of the premade batter but only COOKING 1 at a time- seems like it would really help with self control so we don’t just eat like 6 muffins at once lol.


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