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    Getting Spices, Dried Herbs, and Extracts from

    Savory Spice Shop online

    Is way CHEAPER and way MORE FLAVORFUL (because of being way more fresher) ;)- than picking these items up at your local grocery store.

    Free shipping over $35

    Okay until I have a chance to perhaps make a quick video, let's talk briefly about this GREAT tip a P3toLifer sent in (thanks Janine, we owe you one!)

    She made such a good point which is,

    So many people feel that the problem with healthy eating is that the food lacks flavor when the real problem is that they don’t know what to use to add flavor!

    we got issues:

    • To make food taste really good, you need not just spices, but FRESH spices, dried herbs, extracts.
    • Spices at the grocery store are EXPENSIVE
    • Spice at the grocery store are OLD, NOT FRESH and thus often have LITTLE FLAVOR....which leads to the next ISSUE we got which is that
    • old nasty spices makes you think that cooking with spices doesn't actually taste like much, so might as well head back to Mcdonalds where they know what they're doing right? WRONG! (learn why in a sec)
    • And essentially you are paying like $7 for some oregano that's like 5 years old and taste almost like nothing dried dirt.

    HUMONGO difference in flavor and taste of fresh spices

    I learned this to be true myself when we started growing our own herbs and drying them- oregano, rosemary, and thyme, and I was literally SHOCKED at the difference in flavor.

    Another example of Janine's, after ordering her spices/extracts from this much more affordable and much FRESHER source:
    "I used to make mint chocolate chip ice cream with grocery store mint extract. It was ok. When I used *their* extract, all of a sudden the ice cream was AMAZING. Like ridiculously amazing. I never looked back.

    Those are her spices in the pic btw. She really didn't look back, she's got a smorgasboard now!

    There is a HUGE difference in the taste and flavor of fresh vs. old spices and extracts and this is more affordable anyway.

    Again the place to go is:

    Savory Spice Shop

    Another resource:

    Flavor God Seasonings

    This company has more spice combos that you can just shake 1 jar of spice something and have it taste great - they are all gluten free, MSG free, GMO free.

    1. I never knew that spices could add so much flavor to my meals until I have tried these P3 recipes. I used to add flavor to my meals with sauces, especially BBQ sauce, not realizing that they contain so much sugar. I find it helpful to put all my spices together in small labeled baggies to use for the week. Sometimes I will make two baggies full of spices to use one for the week and one to use for the next time I make the recipe.

      1. Rayzel says:

        That I should sichba great idea thank you for writing it here for everyone. And I agree about not knowing spices add so much flavor! In the past I just kind of added salt and that was about it lol!


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